Three Waters – 倫敦 | London Zone 2
房型:開放式單位, 1-3房
出售中, 樓花 (預計2021年夏季完工)
£343,250 起
Hill Quays, 1 Jordan St, Manchester M15 4QU, UK
£201,000 起
Located in Castlefield in the midst of an area benefiting from mass regeneration. The property is situated behind Deansgate Locks so is perfect for access to Oxford Road and Deansgate tram.
房型 | 價位 |
1 房 | 售罄 |
2 房 | 售罄 |
1房 Apartment | 2房 Apartment | |
Purchase Price 物業價格 | £201,000 | £253,000 |
Size 面積 / Sq-ft 平方尺 | 546 | 744 |
Gross Rental Income P.A. 年租金收入 | £9,900 | £12,000 |
Service Charge P.A. 物業管理費 | £1,250 | £1,704 |
Ground Rent P.A. 地租 | £350 | £350 |
NET Income 凈租金收入 | £8,300 | £9,946 |
NET Yield 凈回報率 | 4.13% | 3.93% |
房型:開放式單位, 1-3房
£343,250 起
倫敦ZONE 2 核心地段,歐洲主要金融中心之一的金絲雀碼頭
房型:Studio, 1-3房
£578,000 起